36. And Yūsuf bin Khalīl reported to us, Abū Mansūr informed us, Abu al Hasan informed us, Abu al Qāsim informed us, Abū ‘Abdillāh bin Battah informed us, Abū Bakr bin Salmān narrated to us, Muhammad bin ‘Abdillāh al Hadramī narrated to us, ‘Abdullāh bin Hakam and ‘Uthmān narrated to us, they both said: Yahyā narrated to us on the authority of Isrāīl, on the authority of Abī Ishāq, on the authority of Ibn Khalīfah, on the authority of ‘Umar ؓ, he said, “A woman came to the Prophet ﷺ and said ‘Pray to Allah to enter me into Paradise.’ So he glorified the Lord, and said «Indeed His chair is above the heavens and earth, and indeed He sits on it and not even the space of four fingers is left extra» – then he indicated by putting his fingers together -, «and indeed it has a creaking sound like the sound of a new saddle when it is ridden»”. This Hadīth is authentic, its narrators are upon the conditions of al Bukhāri and Muslim. So it is as the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, and its meaning is as is befitting for Him, we do not insert into it interpreting with our opinions, and nor are we under the delusion of our desires. And surely the general body of scholars from the Imāms of the Muslims have narrated this Hadīth in their books in which they intended the transmission of authentic reports, and they mentioned the trustworthiness of its men, and the authentication of its chain. And from those who narrated it are: Imām Ahmad bin Hanbal, Abū Bakr al Khallāl, and his student Abū Bakr ‘Abdul ‘Azīz, and Abū ‘Abdillāh bin Battah. And indeed Abū Muhammad al Khallāl narrated it in his book «Al Sifāt». And Abu al Hasan al Dāraqutnī narrated it in the book «Al Sifāt» which he collected and precisely determined its chains, and preserved the uprightness of its narrators, and al Dāraqutnī was from the scholars of Hadīth, from the students of al Shāfi’ī. And Abu al Hasan bin al Zāghūnī narrated it in a book of his.

[Ithbāt al Hadd 📚 by al Dashtī, pg 201-202]

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