▪️Al Saydalání narrated to us, al Marrúdhí narrated to us, he said: I heard Abá ‘Abdilláh (Imám Ahmad bin Hanbal) saying: «Allah Blessed and Most High still remains as One Who Speaks and Knows».

▪️Ahmad narrated to us, Abu al Nadr al ‘Ijlí narrated to us, he said: I heard Abá ‘Abdilláh (Imám Ahmad bin Hanbal) saying: «Whoever claims that Allah did not speak, is a disbeliever.»

[From the book Al Sunnah 📚 by al Khallāl]

🕯.. 157. Muhammad bin Bashshār al ‘Abdī narrated to us, Ibn Abī ‘Adī narrated to us, from Shu’bah, from Sulaymān al A’mash, from Abi al Duhā, from Masrūq, from ‘Abdillāh (bin Mas’ūd) ؓ, he said:

“When Allah speaks the revelation, the ones in the sky hear clinking, like the dragging of chains on stones,”he said, “So they are filled with dread, they see it as a matter of The Hour (i.e. Day of Judgment): {Until when the dread is relieved from their hearts they will say “What did your Lord say?” They will say “The Truth” and He is the Most High The Great} [Sūrat Saba’: 23]

[Al Radd ‘alal Jahmiyyah 📚, pg 316, al Dārimī]

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