🕯..  278 – Abu al Qāsim Hafs bin ‘Umar narrated to us, he said: Abū Hātim al Rāzī narrated to us, he said: Yahyā bin Zakariyyā bin ‘Īsā narrated to us, he said: Hafs bin Humayd said: I said to ‘Abdullah bin Mubārak:

How many sects did this Ummah split into?

So he (‘Abdullah bin Mubārak) said,

“The foundations are four sects: they are the Shī’ah, the Harūriyyah (i.e. Khawārij), the Qadariyyah and the Murji’ah –

   🔥 Then the Shī’ah split into 22 sects

   🔥 the Harūriyyah split into 21 sects

   🔥 the Qadariyyah split into 16 sects

   🔥 and the Murji’ah split into 13 sects.”

He said: I said: O Abā ‘Abdirrahmān, I didn’t hear you mention the Jahmiyyah.

He (‘Abdullah bin Mubārak) responded, «You only asked me about the sects of the Muslims».

[Al Ibānah al Kubrā 1/379 📚]

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