
🫧 1169 – Abū Bakr reported to us, he said: Abū ‘Abdillāh narrated to us, he said: ‘Abdullah bin Numayr narrated to us, he said: I heard Sufyān mentioning the Murji’ah¹, and he said,

“(it is) a newly invented opinion, we lived seeing the people upon something else.”

ཌ Al Sunnah 📕 al Khallāl ད

① Those who exclude actions from being part of īmān.

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He said: Abū ‘Abdillah narrated to us, he said: ‘Abdullah bin Maymūn Abū ‘Abdirrahmān al Raqqī narrated to us, he said: Abu al Malīh narrated to us, he said: Maymūn was asked about the saying of the Murji’ah, to which he responded,

“I am older than that.¹”

༈ Al Ѕυnnaн 📗 al ĸнallāl ༈

① Meaning he lived at a time before the innovation of the Murji’ah even started, showing it is a newly invented matter which the Salaf were NOT upon.

By Admin