1725. ……Yahyā bin Yūsuf al Zammī said:

I was at Jarjān, and I saw Iblīs in a dream, so I said, “O cursed one, who have you left in charge behind you in Irāq?”

He said, “Bishr al Mirrīsī.”


1726. …..Yahyā bin Yūsuf al Zammi, said:

I saw Iblīs in a dream and his feet were on earth, and his head was in the sky, black like night, his cheeks had hair on them, and he had two eyes in his chest. I said, “If it were Iblīs then it would be this person”. I started reciting ayatul kursi, and he started becoming humble till he became like one of us (in size). So I drew near to him, and said, “Who are you?”

He said, “Iblīs.”

I said, “Where have you come from?”

He said, “Iraq.”

I said, “Did you leave anyone in charge behind you?”

He said, “There is no city, nor town, nor any house except I have left someone in charge there.”

I said, “Where do you intend to go?”

He said, “This place,” meaning: Merv.

I said, “Who is your deputy in Iraq?”

He said, “Bishr al Mirrīsī, he’s indeed called people to something I could not have.”

I said, “So who have you come to here?”

He said, “Bishr bin Yahyā.”

Abu Dhikra al Raqiyy said (explaining who Bishr bin Yahyā is, who the devil was going to) “He is al Zammi (attributed to a place), he says the saying of Bishr al Mirrīsī.”

Al Sunnah by al Khallāl

(Bishr al Mirrīsī was a jahmī. He called to the createdness of the Quran)

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