Abū ‘Ubayd said:The origin of this is regarding the wearing of turbans, and this is that turbans are called muqa‘‘atah (مقعطة) if the person wearing the turban wraps it around his head and doesn’t put it under his jaw, it is said: اقتعطها, and this is forbidden, and if he wraps it round his jaw it is said: تلحاها تلحيا, and this is commanded. And Tāwus used to say: That (the former one) is the turban of the devil.
📚[Gharīb al Hadīth by al Qāsim bin Sallām, 3/120]
🫧 … from Ja‘dah bin Hubayrah, he said:‘Umar bin al Khattāb saw a man praying and he had his turban wrapped only around his head, so he said: What is this evil turban? Then he went close to him, undid one wrapping of his turban and put it under his chin, and went on.
🫧 And one day Mujāhid saw a man with a turban on and he had not put it under his jaw, so he said: اقتعاط like the اقتعاط of the devil, that is the turban of the devil and the turbans of the people of Lūt….
🫧 from Tāwūs regarding the one who wraps a turban round his head and does not put it under his chin, he said: That is the turban of the devil.
📚[Musannaf ‘Abdurrazzāq 10/152]
And 🫧 My father said he dislikes that a man wears a turban and does not put it under his throat, he said it is the turban of the devil.
📚[Masāil Imām Ahmad, narration of his son ‘Abdillah]
↓↓The Praisworthy Turban↓↓