Ibn Jarīr reported from ‘Amr bin Kathīr from Aflah the mawlā of Abī Ayyūb al Ansārī (may Allah be pleased with him), he said, “It was narrated to me that the transformation amongst the Children of Isrāīl into pigs was that there was a woman from the Children of Isrāīl who was in a town from the towns of the Children of Isrāīl, and there was a king in them of the Children of Isrāīl, and they had all gathered upon destruction, except that that woman was upon what remained of Islam, holding onto it. So she began to make du’ā to Allah until when people gathered to her and pledged allegiance to her over her matter, she said to them that, “You must fight for the religion of Allah and call your people to that, so go out for I am going out.” So she went out and that king came out to her with people and killed all her companions. She managed to escape from amongst them and prayed to Allah until people gathered to her and when she was satisfied with them she commanded them to go out, so they went out and she went out with them but they were all killed and she escaped. Then she prayed to Allah until when men gathered to her and answered her call she commanded them to go out and went out with them, but they were all killed and she escaped. So she returned and had given up and was saying, “Glory be to Allah, if only this religion had an ally and a helper He would have made it manifest by now,” and she spent the night grieved. In the morning the people of the town came rushing to her area as pigs. Allah had transformed them in that night of theirs.
So when she reached the morning and saw what she saw she said, “Today I know that Allah has indeed given strength to His religion and commanded His religion.”” He (Aflah) said, “So the transformation into pigs amongst the Children of Isrāīl was not except at the hands of that woman.”
Al Durr al Manthūr