Al Khatīb al Baghdādī said:

Abu al Hasan Muhammad bin Ahmad bin ‘Umar as Sābūnī informed us, that Abu Sulaymān Muhammad bin al Husayn bin ‘Alī bin Ibrāhīm al Harrānī informed us, that Abu ‘Alī Ahmad bin ‘Alī bin al Hasan bin Shu’ayb al Madā’inī, in Egypt, informed us, saying: al Muzanī (Abu Ibrāhīm Ismā’īl bin Yahyā) said,

It was narrated from Ibn Abbas that he said:

“Indeed the devils said to Iblīs:
“O our leader, why do we see you rejoice at the death of a scholar more than the death of a worshipper, whilst the scholar you don’t cause losses to whereas the worshipper you cause losses to?”

He said “Proceed!”

So they proceeded to a worshipper and came to him during his worship and said “Indeed we want to ask you.”
So he turned his attention (to them), and Iblīs said to him “Is your Lord able to put the Dunyā inside an egg?”
He said “I don’t know.”

So Iblīs said “Do you see him – he disbelieved in a moment!”

Then they went to a scholar in his gathering, joking with his companions and talking to them.
He (Iblīs) said “Indeed we want to ask you,” so he said “Ask.”
He said “Is your Lord able to put the Dunyā inside an egg?”
He said “Yes.”
He said “How?”
He said “He says: ‘Be’ and it is”

So he (Iblīs) said “Do you see that one (i.e. the worshipper) doesn’t go beyond himself, whereas this one (the scholar) will ruin things for me regarding many people.”

[AlFaqīh walMutafaqqih📚]

Look, may Allah have mercy on you, that《Ignorance is kufr and not an excuse》, so Iblīs the accursed did not give the excuse of ignorance and did takfeer of the worshipper purely due to his saying “I don’t know”, and that was because of the ignorance of the worshipper of the power of his Lord, and this is kufr by consensus of the Ummah.

And Allah is the giver of tawfīq.

By Admin