‘Abdul ‘Azīz bin Ja‘far said:

1️⃣…… from Abū Qatādah, he said:
The Prophet ﷺ would pick a suitable spot to urinate just as one of you finds a suitable place for prayer, and Anas bin Mālik said: The Prophet ﷺ, if he needed to relieve himself, would not lift his clothes till he had taken his seat

2️⃣ And in the narration of Muhannā:
The Prophet ﷺ, if he entered the toilet, would say:(*)
«أعوذ بالله من الخبث والخبائث»
«I seek refuge in Allah from the male and female devils»
and when he exited would say:
«الحمد لله الذي أذهب عني الأذى وعافاني»
«All praise belongs to Allah Who removed harm from me and kept me well».

3️⃣ And in the narration of ‘Abdullah:
There is no harm in urinating whilst standing if it doesn’t soil oneself, and one should not say Salām whilst urinating, nor reply to it till they are finished.

4️⃣ And he said in the narration of Sālih:
And one should turn their ring to face into the palm of their hand if it has Allah’s name on it and they went into the toilet with it.

5️⃣And he said in the narration of Bakr bin Muhammad:
If one sneezes in the toilet, they should say ‘Alhamdulillah’ to themselves, and move their lips with it.

6️⃣ And in the narration of Ahmad bin al Qāsim:
I (i.e. Imām Ahmad) do not like for a person to bathe in a place which is urinated in, even if it were only because of what is said about the fear of it causing waswasah.

Zād al Musāfir by Ghulām al Khallāl 📚

By Admin