
Imām Ahmad bin Hanbal ؒ said:

All those we came across from the people of knowledge had consensus that:

The Jahmiyyah split into three sects.

🔥The first sect [AKA Makhlūqiyyah]: A group of them said: The Quran is the speech of Allah, created!

🔥The second sect [AKA Wāqifah]: And a group of them said: The Quran is the speech of Allah, and then were quiet, and they are the cursed Wāqifah! (i.e. they neither affirmed nor denied whether it was created or not and claimed that doing either of these was an innovation)

🔥The third sect [AKA Lafdhiyyah]: And some of them said: Our utterance of the Quran is created!

He ؒ continued: So all of these are Jahmiyyah disbelievers, they are to be called to repent, so if they repent, fine, if not, they are to be killed, and those we came across from the people of knowledge had consensus that:

Whoever says these (statements), if he does not repent, he is not to be married, and it is not allowed for him to act as a judge, and his sacrifice is not to be eaten.

[Tabaqāt al Hanābilah📚]

By Admin