🫧▪️ From Ibn Jurayj, he said:

I was informed that Ā’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) stayed in the house of Utbah bin Muhammad bin al Hārith, and she used to perform Tawāf after Ishā. So when she wanted to perform Tawāf she would command for the lamps of the masjid to all be extinguished, and then she would perform Tawāf.

[Musannaf Abd al Razzāq 📚]

▪️ Ā’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) would say to the women: don’t describe me to your husbands

[Musannaf Ibn Abī Shaybah📚, 17630, Kitāb al Nikāh, Chapter: كراهية أن تصف المرأة المرأة لزوجها]

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