🪔 Hārūn bin ‘Abdillah al Hammāl narrated to me, he said: Hārūn bin Ma‘rūf said to me, “Whoever says ‘the Qur’an is created’, then he is worshipping an idol.”

Then he said to me, “Narrate this from me.”

📕¦ The Sunnah by Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Hanbal


🪔 1750 …..from Ahmad bin Hanbal (Imām Ahmad), he said:

I saw Ibn Abī Duād in a dream, so I said, “What did your Rabb do with you?”

He said, “What did He do with me?! He said to me, “Depart to what you used to worship”.

O Ahmad, hold onto what you are upon, for indeed it is the truth.”

📗¦ The Sunnah by al Khallāl

(Ibn Abī Duād was the judge of the Jahmiyyah in his time, and the one who spread their beliefs. He accompanied the ruler Ma’mūn and encouraged him to test the people regarding the kufr belief ‘createdness of Quran’. Ahlussunnah had consensus on his being a kāfir.)

By Admin