11296 – Muhammad bin Ja’far narrated to us, Shu’bah narrated to us, from Abd al Rahmān bin al Asbahānī, from Dhakwan, from Abū Sa’īd al Khudrī,That the women said:

the men get the better of us over you, oh Messenger of Allah, so make a day for us in which we can come to you. So he arranged a time for them. So (on their day) he would command them and admonish them, and one time he said: “There is not a woman amongst you who has lost three children, except that they will be for her a barrier from the Fire.”A woman said: Or two? Because indeed two of mine have died.So he (Peace be upon him) said: “Or two.

“[Musnad Ahmad, 📚398/17]


🖇In this narration there are several benefits, amongst them are:⤵️

①- The eagerness of the women in seeking knowledge and learning from the Prophet (Peace be upon him)

②- Their desire for modesty and not mixing with the men¹

③- The singling out of a day specifically to teach women the matters of their religion and admonish them with what would benefit them

④- The encouragement of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) towards having lots of children; as he said: “Marry the loving, childbearing, because indeed I will have the greatest number of you compared to the other nations.” (Abu Dāwūd)

⑤- His glad tidings (Peace be upon him) for whoever has lost three or two of her children, that they will be a barrier for her from the Fire, as is stated in this narration and others


(1): There is an important point to take note of, May Allah have mercy on you, and that is the concern of your female predecessors in seeking modesty and integrity by being far away from the gatherings of men, even though the teacher was who he was, (Peace be upon him), and they used to pray in the masjid behind the men, but that was not a means to freemixing, rather they asked him for a specific day. Whereas today the assemblies of the Muslim women and those who claim to be Muslim are such, that wherever there are men they are there too, and Allah is the Helper.It’s possible that you argue that in the past, Arabs understood the message straight away, and their husbands were the Sahābah – those whom Allah is pleased with, so you cannot compare that to the state of our time wherein the need for knowledge is more essential than the need for eating and drinking.We say in response: you are correct, May Allah have mercy on you, and knowledge is necessary for you, however our point is not about seeking knowledge, rather it is about freemixing. And the solution is easy, for whoever Allah has facilitated and intended good for, because: as is well known, the mashāyikh of Ahl al Sunnah today, (May Allah protect them), upload lessons after they have been livestreamed. So some of the female students listen to the uploads one or more times and study them amongst themselves and through that they have made great progress in knowledge, by the Bounty of Allah and His Mercy.And Allah knows best.🌹

By Admin