⚜️ 217- They agreed that the sacrificial animals are not to be sacrificed before fajr on the Day of Sacrifice (Eid al Adhā).

⚜️ 218- They agreed on the permissibility of feeding poor Muslims from the meat of the Sacrificial Animals.

⚜️219- They agreed that if a man sacrificed that which is permissible for sacrifice, took Allah’s name, cut the throat and two jugular veins and made the blood flow: that the sheep is permissible to eat.

⚜️ 220- They agreed that the sacrifice of a deaf and dumb person is permissible.

⚜️221- They agreed that if a fetus comes out alive, it’s purification was by its mother’s purification (being sacrificed).

⚜️222- They agreed on the permissibility of the sacrifice of a child and a woman, if they have the ability to sacrifice, and did whatever is mandatory to do regarding it.

⚜️ 223- They agreed that the sacrifices of the people of the book are permissible for us if they took Allah’s name over them.

⚜️224- They agreed that the sacrifices of the people of the book in a land at war with us, are permissible, and Mālik was the odd one out here who said: the fat of a sacrifice of a jew should not be eaten.

⚜️225- They agreed that the sacrifices of the magians are impermissible, and not eaten, and Sa‘īd bin al Musayyib was the odd one out differing here.

⚜️226- They agreed that the sacrifice of a child and woman from the people of the book is permissible.

⚜️ 227- They agreed that dogs are predators, it is permissible to eat what they get hold of for a person, if he took Allah’s name over them, and the trainer (of the dogs) was Muslim, except for black dogs.

⚜️228- They agreed that game of the sea is permissible for the one who is not in the state of ihrām and also for the muhrim (one who is in the state of ihrām): its fishing, eating, selling and buying.

[Al Ijmā’ 📚, by Ibn al Mundhir (narrating consensus of Salaf)]

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