🕯.. Ibn ‘Adī said: “I heard Ibn Abī Dāwūd saying that defaming Abu Hanīfah is a «consensus» of the scholars because:

▪️The Imām of Basrah is Ayūb al Sakhtayānī, and he indeed spoke against him

▪️The Imām of Kufa is al Thawrī, and he indeed spoke against him

▪️The Imām of Hijāz is Mālik, and he indeed spoke against him

▪️The Imām of Egypt is al Layth bin Sa’d, and he indeed spoke against him

▪️The Imām of Khurāsān is Abdullah bin al Mubārak, and he indeed spoke against himSo defaming him is a consensus of the scholars in all the lands, or as he said.”

[Al Kāmil 📚 (8/241)]

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