Mansūr ibn Abū Muzāhim narrated to me (and said): I heard Mālik ibn Anas mention Abū Hanīfah, and he mentioned him with bad words and said: “He conspired against the religion.” And he said: “Whoever conspires against the religion he is not from the religion.”

2. Mansūr narrated to me another time and said: I heard Mālik say words regarding Abū Hanīfah which put him out of the religion. And he said: “Abū Hanīfah did not conspire against anything but the religion.”

3. Abū Ma’mar narrated to me, from Al-Walīd ibn Muslim who said: Mālik ibn Anas said: “Is Abū Hanīfah mentioned in your country?” I said: “Yes.” He said: “One should not live in your country.”

4. Abū Al-Fadl Al-Khurasānī narrated to me and said: Ismā’īl ibn Abī Uways narrated to us and said: My uncle Mālik ibn Anas said to me: “Abū Hanīfah is from the chronic diseases.” And Mālik said: “Abū Hanīfah invalidates the Sunan (pl. Sunnah).”

5. Al-Hasan ibn As-Sabbāh Al-Bazzār narrated to me (and said): Al-Hunaynī narrated to me, from Mālik ibn Anas who said: “Nobody was born in Islām worse for the people of Islām than Abū Hanīfah.” And he (i.e. Mālik) used to criticize the raī (opinion).

The Sunnah📖by ‘Abdillāh bin Ahmad bin Hanbal

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