🍃🌺 A word about preserving the fast
Abdul Azīz Ghulām al Khallāl said: 960 – Abu Abdillah said in the narration of Abdillah: from Abu Hurairah from the Prophet ﷺ: “Fasting is a shield, so if he…
If you want the truth, then seek the old books
Abdul Azīz Ghulām al Khallāl said: 960 – Abu Abdillah said in the narration of Abdillah: from Abu Hurairah from the Prophet ﷺ: “Fasting is a shield, so if he…
🕯.. 290 – He narrated to us, he said: I asked my father about: a man doing tashahhud and breaking wudū before doing salām (in prayer)? He said: he repeats…
••○◆◇••■••◇◆○•• 🫧 1169 – Abū Bakr reported to us, he said: Abū ‘Abdillāh narrated to us, he said: ‘Abdullah bin Numayr narrated to us, he said: I heard Sufyān mentioning…
🕯..44. ….’Abdullāh said: my father (i.e. Imām Ahmad) narrated to me, Abu al Mughīrah narrated to us, ‘Abdah bint Khālid bin Ma’dān narrated to us, from her father Khālid, that…
🕯.. 1/23 – Al Hasan bin al Sabbāh al Bazzār narrated to us, ‘Alī bin al Hasan bin Shaqīq narrated to us, on the authority of Ibn Mubārak, he said:…
🕯.. 43. And with it, ‘Abdullāh said: my father (i.e. Imām Ahmad) narrated to me, Wakī’ narrated to us – the Hadīth of Isrāīl – from Abī Ishāq, from ‘Abdullāh…
🕯.. 278 – Abu al Qāsim Hafs bin ‘Umar narrated to us, he said: Abū Hātim al Rāzī narrated to us, he said: Yahyā bin Zakariyyā bin ‘Īsā narrated to…
🕯.. 246 – If someone tries to use as proof the narrations which are narrated: «Whoever says: laa ilaaha illAllah will enter Paradise».It is said to him:These were before the…