Allah’s Custodians over Hadīth of the Messenger ﷺ
Abū ‘Umar said: And this is how research and investigation is done, and this is well known from Shu’bah, and due to this and the like Abū ‘Abdurrahmān al Nasāī…
Ιgnorance about Allah is disbelief under all circumstances
A man came to Ibn Mas’ūd and said: Which is the best action? He said: Knowledge. Then he (the man) asked (again): Which is the best action? He said: Knowledge.…
Al Naqd ‘Ala al Jahmi Al Aneed by Abū Sa’īd al Dārimī
The Border and the Throne’ Extracted from the book: Al Naqd ‘Ala al Jahmi Al Aneed by Abū Sa’īd al Dārimī «Translation revised and organised by AhlulHadith»
The Kufr that has Crept into the Ummah: the History of the Jahmiyyah
Abdurrahmān mentioned saying, Muhammad bin Ahmad bin ‘Amr bin ‘Īsā narrated to us saying, ‘Alī bin Mūsā al Basrī narrated to us saying, Sulaymān bin ‘Īsā ash Shajarī narrated to…