Pillar of Light
Ja’far bin Muhammad narrated to us, Salamah bin Shabíb narrated to us, ‘Abdullah bin Abí Bakr narrated to us, from Safwán bin Sulaym, from Sulaymán bin Yasár, from Abí Hurayrah…
THE QADARIYYAH: ﴾those who believe in free will﴿
They worshipped Tāghūt and loved the world…
On the authority of Wahb bin Munabbih (may Allah be pleased with him), he said: ‘Īsā (peace be upon him) passed by a town whose inhabitants of mankind, jinn, vermin,…
..Takbīr of a woman in the days of tashrīq
🫧 Ishāq bin Mansūr said: I said: he said, meaning Sufyān: what is your opinion regarding a woman doing takbīr in the days of tashrīq? He said: no, except in…