Jaнмιyyaн: Laғdнιyyaн
༺༈❀༈༻ 🥀 Muhammad bin ‘Ubayd al Rahbī mentioned and said: I heard ‘Alī bin al Misrī say: I saw the Prophet ﷺ in a dream, and Abū Bakr was on…
If you want the truth, then seek the old books
༺༈❀༈༻ 🥀 Muhammad bin ‘Ubayd al Rahbī mentioned and said: I heard ‘Alī bin al Misrī say: I saw the Prophet ﷺ in a dream, and Abū Bakr was on…
160. Abū Bakr Ibn Ishāq al Sāghānī narrated to me and said: I saw in the book of Abū ‘Ubayd al Qāsim bin Sallām with his writing: “If the jahmī…
1725. ……Yahyā bin Yūsuf al Zammī said: I was at Jarjān, and I saw Iblīs in a dream, so I said, “O cursed one, who have you left in charge…
•●✿●• Imām Ahmad bin Hanbal ؒ said: All those we came across from the people of knowledge had consensus that: The Jahmiyyah split into three sects. 🔥The first sect :…
The Border and the Throne’ Extracted from the book: Al Naqd ‘Ala al Jahmi Al Aneed by Abū Sa’īd al Dārimī «Translation revised and organised by AhlulHadith»
Abdurrahmān mentioned saying, Muhammad bin Ahmad bin ‘Amr bin ‘Īsā narrated to us saying, ‘Alī bin Mūsā al Basrī narrated to us saying, Sulaymān bin ‘Īsā ash Shajarī narrated to…