Is it enough to just “say” the kalimah of Tawhīd?
🕯.. 246 – If someone tries to use as proof the narrations which are narrated: «Whoever says: laa ilaaha illAllah will enter Paradise».It is said to him:These were before the…
If you want the truth, then seek the old books
🕯.. 246 – If someone tries to use as proof the narrations which are narrated: «Whoever says: laa ilaaha illAllah will enter Paradise».It is said to him:These were before the…
▪️Al Saydalání narrated to us, al Marrúdhí narrated to us, he said: I heard Abá ‘Abdilláh (Imám Ahmad bin Hanbal) saying: «Allah Blessed and Most High still remains as One…
Al Hasan said to al Farazdaq while he was burying his wife, what had he prepared for this day. He said “bearing witness that laa ilaaha illAllah (there is no…