🕯.. Regarding Allah’s saying {and thunder} [al Baqarah: 19]

186 – Abū Sa’īd – Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Yahyā bin Sa’īd al Qattān – narrated to us, Abū Ahmad al Zubayrī narrated to us, Abdullah bin Walīd – meaning: from the sons of Ma’qil bin Muqrin – narrated to us, Bukayr bin Shihāb narrated to me, from Sa’īd bin Jubayr, from Ibn ‘Abbās, he said:

Jews came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, and said, “O Aba al Qāsim, inform us, what is this thunder?”

He said: «An Angel from the Angels of Allah, in charge of the clouds, in his hand are whips of fire, with which he drives the clouds to wherever Allah commands him»

They said, “So what is this sound which is heard?”

He said: «His voice».

They said, “You have spoken the truth.”

[Tafsīr Ibn Abī Hātim📚, pg 78-79]


So this is the creed of the Righteous Salaf, regarding Thunder (Peace be upon him), as opposed to what secularists and philosophers are upon, who say that it is the meeting of positive and negative clouds and a huge sound results…. And as it is, some heretics who ascribe to Islam falsely, agree with this false ‘science’. And Allah’s help is sought against what they say.

By Admin