🫧.. 226 – Ahmad bin al Fadl al ‘Asqalānī narrated to us, Bishr bin Bakr narrated to us, Umm ‘Abdillah – meaning the daughter of Khālid bin Mi‘dān – narrated to me, from her father, he said: Indeed rain is water which comes out from beneath the throne, so it descends from sky to sky, till it collects in the sky of the world, so it falls into something called al Abzam, collecting in it, then the black clouds come, so they enter it and absorb it like the absorption of a sponge, then Allah drives them wherever He wills.

[Tafsīr Ibn Abī Hātim📚, pg 92-93] ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ

So rain, according to the belief of Muslims:

1) It descends from beneath the throne, and not as claimed by secular heretics and their followers, from those who attribute themselves to knowledge and scholarship falsely – that water evaporates then ascends to the sky and then condenses etc and after that comes down as rain (all nonsense).

2) That an Angel descends with every drop to wherever Allah wants.

3) Whatever descends of rain and falls on the ground, grass grows from it, and whatever descends in the ocean, without mixing into the ocean water, continues till it descends into an oyster and becomes a pearl, as has come from the Salaf, and not as the criminals claim that pearls are formed from a particle of sand which enters….. nonsense as usual. And Allah’s help is sought. And in sha Allah material will be collected regarding this with many narrations and extra clarity.

By Admin