🕯.. 43. And with it, ‘Abdullāh said: my father (i.e. Imām Ahmad) narrated to me, Wakī’ narrated to us – the Hadīth of Isrāīl – from Abī Ishāq, from ‘Abdullāh bin Khalīfah, from ‘Umar ؓ,

“When the Lord ‘Azza wa Jall sat on the chair”

So a man – who my father named – shivered near Wakī’, so Wakī’ got angry and he said,

“We came across al A’mash and Sufyān narrating these Hadīths and not rejecting them.”

[Ithbāt al Hadd 📚 by al Dashtī, pg 222]

By Admin