there is no god worthy of worship except Allah
Al Hasan said to al Farazdaq while he was burying his wife, what had he prepared for this day. He said “bearing witness that laa ilaaha illAllah (there is no…
If you want the truth, then seek the old books
Al Hasan said to al Farazdaq while he was burying his wife, what had he prepared for this day. He said “bearing witness that laa ilaaha illAllah (there is no…
36. And Yūsuf bin Khalīl reported to us, Abū Mansūr informed us, Abu al Hasan informed us, Abu al Qāsim informed us, Abū ‘Abdillāh bin Battah informed us, Abū Bakr…
60 – And the belief that with every drop an angel descends from the sky till he puts it where Allah ‘Azz wa Jall commanded him to.
‘Alī bin ‘Abdillāh narrated to us, Muhammad bin ‘Abdurrahmān Abu al Mundhir al Tafāwī narrated to us, on the authority of Sulaymān al A’mash, he said: Mujāhid narrated to me,…
Abū ‘Umar said: And this is how research and investigation is done, and this is well known from Shu’bah, and due to this and the like Abū ‘Abdurrahmān al Nasāī…