Pillar of Light
Ja’far bin Muhammad narrated to us, Salamah bin Shabíb narrated to us, ‘Abdullah bin Abí Bakr narrated to us, from Safwán bin Sulaym, from Sulaymán bin Yasár, from Abí Hurayrah…
If you want the truth, then seek the old books
Ja’far bin Muhammad narrated to us, Salamah bin Shabíb narrated to us, ‘Abdullah bin Abí Bakr narrated to us, from Safwán bin Sulaym, from Sulaymán bin Yasár, from Abí Hurayrah…
3️⃣7️⃣ Abū ‘Abdillah said in the narration of al Maymūnī: And anything other than water then one does not perform ablution with that. Allah ﷻ said: ﴾And you cannot find…
341 – Abū ‘Amr ‘Uthmān ibn Tālūt narrated to us and said: Mu’ādh ibn Hishām narrated to us, from his father, from Qatādah, from Kathīr ibn Abī Kathīr, from Abū…
🫧.. 226 – Ahmad bin al Fadl al ‘Asqalānī narrated to us, Bishr bin Bakr narrated to us, Umm ‘Abdillah – meaning the daughter of Khālid bin Mi‘dān – narrated…
🕯.. 246 – If someone tries to use as proof the narrations which are narrated: «Whoever says: laa ilaaha illAllah will enter Paradise».It is said to him:These were before the…
🕯.. 543 – Ibn Abī Shaybah said in al Musannaf (1/342)📚: Hātim bin Ismā’īl narrated to us, from Ja’far, from his father, he said: ‘Alī bin al Husayn used to…
Ya’qūb bin ‘Ubayd narrated to us, he said: Yazīd bin Hārūn reported to us, he said: Sufyān al Thawrī reported to us, from Zabīd al Iyāmī, al Muhājir al ‘Āmirī,…
Al Hasan said to al Farazdaq while he was burying his wife, what had he prepared for this day. He said “bearing witness that laa ilaaha illAllah (there is no…