I have believed in Allah and disbelieved in tāghūt
🕯.. 543 – Ibn Abī Shaybah said in al Musannaf (1/342)📚: Hātim bin Ismā’īl narrated to us, from Ja’far, from his father, he said: ‘Alī bin al Husayn used to…
If you want the truth, then seek the old books
🕯.. 543 – Ibn Abī Shaybah said in al Musannaf (1/342)📚: Hātim bin Ismā’īl narrated to us, from Ja’far, from his father, he said: ‘Alī bin al Husayn used to…
🕯.. Regarding Allah’s saying {and thunder} 186 – Abū Sa’īd – Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Yahyā bin Sa’īd al Qattān – narrated to us, Abū Ahmad al Zubayrī narrated to…
Ya’qūb bin ‘Ubayd narrated to us, he said: Yazīd bin Hārūn reported to us, he said: Sufyān al Thawrī reported to us, from Zabīd al Iyāmī, al Muhājir al ‘Āmirī,…
🫧 Barbahārī said in «Sharh al Sunnah» 📚: The foundation upon which the Jamā’ah is built – they are the companions of Muhammad ﷺ (May Allah have mercy on them…
▪️Al Saydalání narrated to us, al Marrúdhí narrated to us, he said: I heard Abá ‘Abdilláh (Imám Ahmad bin Hanbal) saying: «Allah Blessed and Most High still remains as One…
Al Hasan said to al Farazdaq while he was burying his wife, what had he prepared for this day. He said “bearing witness that laa ilaaha illAllah (there is no…
36. And Yūsuf bin Khalīl reported to us, Abū Mansūr informed us, Abu al Hasan informed us, Abu al Qāsim informed us, Abū ‘Abdillāh bin Battah informed us, Abū Bakr…
60 – And the belief that with every drop an angel descends from the sky till he puts it where Allah ‘Azz wa Jall commanded him to.