Course on Usūl al Tafsīr
Course Details: This course in sha Allah: This is the first module of our long-term course on ‘Ulūm al Quran in which we will be covering all the sciences mentioned…
If you want the truth, then seek the old books
Course Details: This course in sha Allah: This is the first module of our long-term course on ‘Ulūm al Quran in which we will be covering all the sciences mentioned…
Excerpt from Tafsīr Ibn Abī Hātim of Sūrat Fussilat, tafsīr directly from narrations of the Salaf, which can be found in our online Book Shop.
◆◇◆ 🫧 Mūsā bin Hārūn narrated to me and ѕaιd, ‘Amr bin Hammād narrated to us and said, Asbāt narrated to me, from al Suddī, he said, “Allah commanded the…
Abū ‘Umar said: And this is how research and investigation is done, and this is well known from Shu’bah, and due to this and the like Abū ‘Abdurrahmān al Nasāī…
1568- Abdullah narrated to us: my father narrated to me: Wahb bin Jarīr narrated to us: my father narrated to us: I heard al Hasan saying: “A people refused to…
Umar ibn al-Khattāb (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he came to the Black Stone and kissed it and said: “Verily, I know that you are a stone…