
🫧 Mūsā bin Hārūn narrated to me and ѕaιd, ‘Amr bin Hammād narrated to us and said, Asbāt narrated to me, from al Suddī, he said,

“Allah commanded the children of Isrā’īl to travel to Aryahā, and that is the land of Bayt al Maqdis. So they travelled, and then when they were close to them, Mūsā sent twelve watchers from all the tribes of the children of Isrā’īl. “So they went ahead wanting to bring to him news of the tyrants, and a man from the tyrants met them, called ‘Āj, and he took the twelve and put them in his pocket, and upon his head was a wood carrier! “So he went off with them to his wife and said, “Look at these people who claim they want to fight us!!” Then he tossed them in front of her and said, “Shall I not crush them with my foot?!” So his wife said, “Rather, let them go so that they tell their people what they’ve seen.” So he did that. “Then when the group got out, they said to each other, “O group, if you tell the children of Isrā’īl about these people they’ll apostasise away from the Prophet of Allah عليه السلام! Rather, hide this, and tell the Prophet of Allah (Mūsā), so those two (i.e. Mūsā and Hārūn) can be the ones to decide what to do!” So they made a pact with each other to hide this, then they returned, but ten of them went back on their word and broke the pact, so a man would start telling his brother and his father about what he saw of the case of ‘Āj, and two of them hid it. “Then they came to Mūsā and Hārūn and told them the news, and that is about when Allah says, ﴿ولقد أخذ الله ميثاق بني إسرائيل وبعثنا منهم اثني عشر نقيبا﴾ [5:12]﴾Indeed Allâh took the covenant from the Children of Israel (Jews), and We appointed twelve leaders among them﴿ [al Mā’idah: 12].

”ཌ Tafsīr📚Tabarī ད

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