FREE HIFDH WORKSHOP: Sisters’ Session 1 Repeat
Due to much request, we are repeating Sisters Session 1 that was done on Saturday 7th December → this Friday 13th December in sha Allah
Course on Usūl al Tafsīr
Course Details: This course in sha Allah: This is the first module of our long-term course on ‘Ulūm al Quran in which we will be covering all the sciences mentioned…
Τнє Riɢнτєσυs Wifє
al Bayhaqī reported from Asmā’ bint Yazīd al Ansāriyyah, that she came to the Prophet ﷺ whilst he was amongst his companions, and said, “May my father and mother be…
🔹Do the slaves have free will or are they compelled?
۩Kufr in taghut۩ «series»
Pillar of Light
Ja’far bin Muhammad narrated to us, Salamah bin Shabíb narrated to us, ‘Abdullah bin Abí Bakr narrated to us, from Safwán bin Sulaym, from Sulaymán bin Yasár, from Abí Hurayrah…
THE QADARIYYAH: ﴾those who believe in free will﴿